The 2030 Agenda in Mozambique
Pemba Municipality in Mozambique is implementing the project Shaping fair cities, promoting a critical understanding of local authorities and citizens’ roles and responsibilities in relation to the Agenda 2030
CSOs for the localization of the 2030 Agenda in Forlì
Forlì's challenge within Shaping Fair Cities: civil society organizations as main character to inform and raise awareness among citizens about sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda
Catering, local tourism and typical products at the time of Covid 19
The webinar is held on July 21st from 2.30 pm
Modena and the C20 in Saudi Arabia
How SDGs are implemented in C20, focus on the SDG16 - peace, justice and inclusive society
SDG 17 in Italy: best practices of global partnership
Focus on SDG 17 - Partnership for the 2030 Agenda global goals, by the University of Bologna
Iași County, a Growth and Development Pole at National Level
Focus on SDG 8 - Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full employment and decent work for all.
Prizefish does not give up. Despite the lockdown, the project sails towards its destination
Prizefish, a Territorial Cooperation project financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Programme 2014-2020, keeps up with the implementation of its research activities
LIFE webinar summary "Stepping up to save bugs"
#EUBiodiversity Strategy, #EUGreenDeal and others...
WEBINAR ‘LIFE: Stepping up to save bugs’
18th of June 2020, 10.30 a.m. project, three online training seminars for business owners
Inspired by the values of the Mediterranean diet, they will take place on 16, 23 and 30 June
11 June 2020 - Training Day
Training approved by AIGAE
The impact of coronavirus in Romania from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda
Special focus on SDG 5, 10.7, 11, 13, 16, and how their achievement can be influenced by the pandemic
5th JUNE 2020 - World Environment Day
How to grow your vegetables on your balcony
Last webinar on 4 June at 4 pm led by Robert Špiler and Tjaša Štruc
New LIFE brochure published
22 MAY 2020 – World Biodiversity Day
‘Bringing nature back into our lives’
Published "Shija e Veriut" branded mountain sheep-goat cheese production Disciplinary
The Disciplinary enhances the territories and rural communities of Northern Albania
The Mediterranean Diet as a driving force for economic development for companies and regions
Giuseppe E. Gramigna, senior consultant to the World Bank, speaker of the sixth webinar on Thursday 28 May 2020
Food Safety issues for industry during COVID-19
Webinar will be performed by Dr. Anita Juric, Assistant Professor at the University of Mostar, the 20th of May 2020
Covid 19: the anti-inflammatory properties of the Mediterranean Diet
The 14th of May webinar led by dr. Annamaria Colao, Full Professor of Endocrinology at the University Federico II of Naples and UNESCO Chair for Health Education and Sustainable Development., Mediterranean Diet. Focus on Benefits of Physical Activity
Webinar on Thursday April 23rd with Marino Krespi, Associate Professor of Sport and Physical Education Science at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split.
Coronavirus: EU global response to fight the pandemic
EU Commission and High Representative's response to support partner countries in tackling Covid-19 pandemic
Interreg Projects: approved the Action Plans of FoodChains4Eu and String
The two projects are focused on innovation in food packaging and on the development of the agri-food chain
The Mediterranean Diet and this pandemic moment
The webinar is holding on Tuesday 14th April from 4 p.m. It will be performed by professor Filipe Themudo Barata
The impact of Coronavirus on Poland in terms of SDG 5, SDG 10.7, SDG 11, SDG 13, SDG 16
How has Poland been impacted in terms of SDGs and which kind of prevention steps have been made? A first overview by our partner ROPS - Poznan
DEAR projects working on migration and the Shaping Fair Cites Project
DEAR projects working on migration address why migration happens, as well as how European communities are affected.
Shaping fair cities subgranting to communicate the 2030 Agenda
Beneficiaries are 24 regional local authorities, for awareness-raising actions on the 2030 Agenda sustainable development goals.
“Shija e Veriut”, një udhëtim në traditat shqiptare të përpunimit të djathit
Në veri të Shqipërisë, duke ndjekur përvojën e Parmigiano Reggiano, një grup OJQ-sh italiane është aktivizuar për të rregulluar prodhimin e djathit të dhisë. Një mënyrë për të përmirësuar gjithë territorin dhe për të mbështetur qindra familje.
Seville - How to communicate the values of the Mediterranean Diet?
Sevilla hosted the 6th Steering Committee. Emilia-Romagna Region participated as project partner
Practical guide to breeding sheep in Albania
It is not a veterinary or animal husbandry manual, but a collection of good practices introduced during field interventions