5th JUNE 2020 - World Environment Day


World Environment Day, hosted by Colombia this 2020, is the most renowned day for environmental action. Since 1974, it has been celebrated every year on 5 June: engaging governments, businesses, celebrities and citizens to focus their efforts on a pressing environmental issue.

This year, the theme is biodiversity – a concern that is both urgent and existential. Recent events, from bushfires in Brazil, the United States, and Australia to locust infestations across East Africa – and now, a global disease pandemic – demonstrate the interdependence of humans and the webs of life, in which they exist.

It is a well-known fact that insectivorous biodiversity is declining all over the world. Factors such as climate change, habitat loss and harmful agricultural practices contribute every day to accelerate the extinction of insects, which have many ecosystem functions that cannot be replicated by technology or any other innovation.

But how can we contribute to the survival of insects in our own small way?
1. Avoiding frequent mowing of the lawn
2. Planting native plants
3. Avoiding pesticides
4. Leaving old trees, stumps and dead leaves
5. Building insect houses
6. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions
7. Supporting insect conservation organizations
8. Not importing or releasing in nature live animals or plants that could damage native species
9. Being more aware of small creatures

#WorldEnvironmentDay  #Timefornature #EUGreenDeal #EUBiodiversity

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last modified 2020-06-05T15:02:42+02:00
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