In Faro for the training of the "ambassadors" of the Mediterranean Diet
In Portugal, the project is aimed at training professionals who will have the mission of spreading the principles of the Mediterranean diet
Conference “Researchers meet professionals in fisheries and aquaculture for co-operation models in EMFF projects”
Conference organised by Regione del Veneto as a Lead Partner of the Adri.SmartFish project, co-funded by the programme Interreg Italy-Croatia about new patterns of fisheries and aquaculture management and a dialogue between the researchers and the professionals. Adri.SmartFish aims at promoting the small scale artisanal fisheries practices, traditions and value chain in the Northern Adriatic.
The 2030 Agenda in our cities: the national campaign starts on the World Day Against Violence against Women
Two months after the start of the international campaign, the national Shaping Fair Cities campaign to raise awareness of the development goals of the 2030 Agenda begins
Coordination Meeting in Poznan
On the 27th - 28th November 2019 to plan Shaping Fair Cities 3rd year activities., opportunities for tourism. Meeting in Bologna with stakeholders
“Mediterranean diet as a driver for touristic development- possible enforceability at a regional level” was the topic of the meeting with stakeholders in Bologna on November 20th, 2019 in the headquarters of Confcommercio Emilia-Romagna.
Feeding Regions: Turning Plans into Action
A delegation of the Emilia-Romagna Region met on 23 and 24 October 2019 in Manchester the partners of the FC4EU project and the local stakeholders
Over 100 families have been helped by the Family Farming Development Fund
The Asset for the Development of the Family Farming: an instrument to promote the development of rural areas
Created Pukë – Fushë Arrëz Breeders Association
Reweaving Relationships in the Albanian Mountains: the Challenge of Pukë – Fushë Arrëz Breeders Association
The “Taste of the North” : a brand to promote the mountain territories of Northern Albania
The principal purpose of this brand is to promote, support and publicize the local productions of sheep and goat’s cheese denominated “Djathe e Bardhe” and “Kackavalle”, and their origin territories in Nothern Albania.
Shaping Fair cities: international campaign start
On September 25, 2019 Shaping fair cities international campaign starts with the hashtag #inourhands.
Prizefish, new project meeting coming
A second project Steering Committee will be held in Split, Croatia, on September 16th, 17th and 18th, 2019
Online the call for proposals to communicate the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda
The 20th of September is the deadline to present communication projects about 2030 Agenda in our cities
Final conference in Brasov (Romania)
The final conference of the String project was held in Brasov, Transylvania, entitled: Innovation in agrifood chains: how can successfully regions learn from each other?
String: the second phase of the project is starting
Defined the Action Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region, which provides for the harmonization of two regional funds intended for the agri-food sector, so as to involve all the actors in the supply chain.
String: meeting with stakeholders on the regional action plan
On June 21, 2019 the meeting was held in the Region with the stakeholders of the String project who actively participated in the definition of the regional Action plan.
MD-net will be present at Sana fair in Bologna, Interreg project for the promotion of the Mediterranean diet, will be present at SANA fair in Bologna – Mediterranean Diet – Up-date
A delegation from the Emilia-Romagna Regional Government took part in the Steering Committee of Project’s partners held in Mostar. at Macfrut fair of Rimini at Macfrut (Fruit & Veg Professional Show) of Rimini hosted in the Emilia-Romagna stand.
Workshop on Agenda 2030 for union officials by WeWorld-GVC
A new training initiative as part of the Shaping Fair Cities project, in Bologna on Tuesday 25 June at the Festival of Trade Union Training 2019.
Adri.Smartfish, the kick-off event.
The Adri.Smartfish kick-off event was held in Venice on April, 16th, 2019. All partners made a presentation on the topics and project activities.
Prizefish, the kick-off event
The project kick-off held in Ravenna, Italy.
Coordination Meeting in Split
Together with all partners, on the 4th - 5th June 2019 in Split, to coordinate and plan Shaping Fair Cities 2nd year activities.
Emilia-Romagna Region wins with Shaping Fair Cities the sustainable PA Award
At the PA Forum recognition for the European project Shaping fair cities, towards Agenda 203
The Training of Trainers in Valencia successfully completed
The first training initiative of the Shaping Fair Cities project: a five days long "Training of Trainers" in Valencia to train the "future trainers" on the localization of the 2030 Agenda.
The Training of Trainers in Valencia starts on Monday the 25th of March
On March 25th, the start of the five-day "Training of Trainers", organized by the Generalitat Valenciana, in collaboration with the University of Bologna and the Emilia-Romagna Region, and with the contribution and participation of all project partners
Towards a local 2030 Agenda
For Shaping fair cities project, a new multilateral consultation in Bologna, on Wednesday the 20th of March at 10.00, promoted by WeWorld-GVC in collaboration with the Emilia-Romagna Region, to talk about the localization of 2030 Agenda on our territory.
Migration flows, international cooperation system and regional policies
The multilateral consultation's contents: migration phenomena and regional policies
International cooperation, conference on migration and multilateral consultation
On Friday, January 25th in Bologna, a focus on the relationship between development and immigration
Migrant women: between civil rights, integration and culture
Event promoted by the WOMEN Network with the support of the Municipality of Forlì, December 4, 2018 in Forlì.
Great interest for the "Week of River Restoration"
The national conference "Between climate change and soil consumption: river restoration for a new territorial balance" - The papers are already available