Transferring Energy Efficiency in Mediterranean SCHOOLS
Progetti bando 1
Sustainable Urban Mobility in MED PORT cities
Promotion of higher penetration of Distributed PV through storage for all
Supporting The EPC Public Procurement IN Going-beyond
Sustainable management of the systems Posidonia-beaches in the Mediterranean region
Uptake of the Product Environmental Footprint across the MED agrofood regional productive systems to enhance innovation and market value
Designing a network of cOOperating cReative communities for developing a Sharing economy
New Finance for energy efficiency measures in public buildings
Guiding Mediterranean MPAs through the climate change era: Building resilience and adaptation
Promoting citizens’ active involvement in the development of Sustainable Travel Plans in Med Cities with Seasonal Demand
MED programme Network for an Innovative Cooperation in Energy efficiency
Metropolitan Agriculture for Developing an innovative, sustainable and Responsible Economy - Agricoltura metropolitana per lo sviluppo di un'economia innovativa, sostenibile e responsabile
Modello, Strategie e strumenti di supporto transnazionali a cluster innovativi e reti d'impresa per una crescita sostenibile, incentrati sul Green Public Procurement per la ristrutturazione energetica degli edifici pubblici.
Il governo della pesca nelle Aree Marine Protette: potenzialità per la Blue Economy 2.
Emblematic Mediterranean Mountains as Coastal destinations of excellence
Social innovation research on coworking clusters
Promoting RES Integration for Small Mediterranean Islands
Consume Less in Mediterranean Touristic Communities
Setting up a network of COmpetitive MED Clusters with the contribution of CREATive industriEs
Innovative cultural and creative clusters in the MED area