Migration flows, international cooperation system and regional policies
Read the news in Italian -> fondieuropei.regione.emilia-romagna.it
On January 25th in Bologna the conference "Co-development: migration and international cooperation. Strategies and good practices in the Emilia-Romagna Region" was attended by representatives of the regional government, universities, NGOs, associations and other actors active on the regional territory in the field of international cooperation.
The event is part of the European project Shaping fair cities, as a moment of consultation with the subjects of the regional territory to offer local authorities the opportunities and tools to deal with and integrate the Sustainable Development Goals - UN 2030 Agenda (SDGs) - into local policies, with a specific focus on migration.
The speakers analysed the phenomenon of migration in its complexity, in several aspects: the international migratory flows that have affected Italy and Europe since the Second World War and the variables connected to them, the perception of the phenomenon by Italian citizens and and how it has been addressed in the Italian press in recent years, the migratory flows that have affected the Balkans in recent decades, the work carried out jointly by the Region, local authorities, NGOs and civil society in the field of international cooperation, with some examples. In particular, during the round table some good practices related to international cooperation were discussed and examined.
The Emilia-Romagna Region presented two projects that were launched in the course of 2018 and which are examples of collaboration between different levels of administrations in different countries and civil society, for the exchange of good practices and the achievement of common objectives.
The first concerns the Shaping fair cities project, which involves the collaboration of 17 partners from 10 countries (8 members of the EU and 2 non-EU members) in the drafting of an action plan for the 14 local authorities involved by 2020 - so over 3.5 million citizens - on gender equality goals, inclusive cities and climate change, with specific attention to the issue of migration.
A strategic project was also started in Brazil, born from the collaboration between the Region and the South American country with the Italo-Brazilian Laboratory for training, research and practices in collective health and the experience of the Brasil Proximo international cooperation program. The project involves the participation of an articulated network of partners and is based on the transfer of the intermediate care management model, characterised by the integration of services between hospitals and territories and between social and health sectors, with the support of public and family resources. .
To know more
The program
- Speakers' presentations
- Photo gallery
- Regional Observatory on Migration publications
- Video: "The future is already here, the new Emilia-Romagna citizines"
- The event's news
Read the news in italian -> fondieuropei.regione.emilia-romagna.it