String: the second phase of the project is starting

Defined the Action Plan of the Emilia-Romagna Region, which provides for the harmonization of two regional funds intended for the agri-food sector, so as to involve all the actors in the supply chain.

With the conference held in Romania on May 21st the phase 1 of the String project was concluded, which provided for the interregional exchange of good practices for the promotion of innovation in the agri-food supply chains and on the basis of what was learned, the definition of an Action plan from part of each region.

Also in Brasov, the six Regions partner of the project were able to share their Action Plans in order to focus on their strengths but also on weaknesses and therefore to improve the work done so far. The regional Action Plan will be implemented during phase 2 of the project, which starts in the second half of this year and sees the active involvement of regional stakeholders.

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last modified July 26, 2019 6:30 PM
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