Deliverables, articles, acts... - LIFE14 NAT/IT/000209
1. Technical Forms
- PART A (pdf, 2.89 MB) - Administrative information
- PART B (pdf, 1.25 MB) - Technical summary and overall context of the project
- PART C - Detailed technical description of the proposed actions
- azione A (pdf, 141.65 KB)
- azione C (pdf, 162.38 KB)
- azione D (pdf, 119.78 KB)
- azione E (pdf, 135.58 KB)
- azione F (pdf, 171.64 KB)
- Time Table (pdf, 70.33 KB)
2. Deliverables
- Download Deliverables
3. Other documents
Consult and download presentations and programmes of meetings, workshops, seminars and other documentation relating to the Life Eremita project. Go to the page (only in italian).
4. Grant Agreement
5. Acts
- Act of Delibera Giunta Regionale n.1733/2015 (pdf, 347.27 KB) (347.27 KB)
Approval of Partnership Agreement "LIFE 14 nat/it/000209 - LIFE EREMITA - coordinated actions to preserve residual and isolated populations of forest and freshwater insects in Emilia-Romagna"
6. Reports
- Progress reports on the Life Eremita project sent to the European Commission.
7. Ammendments