What is Natura 2000 network?

It’s a system of natural and semi-natural areas protected under the European Union legislation, both on land and at sea

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The Natura 2000 Network is the main instrument of the European Union policy for the conservation of biodiversity established under Directives 92/43/CEE "Habitat" and 2009/147/CE “Birds” to ensure the long-term maintenance of natural habitats and species of flora and fauna threatened or rare at EU level.
It is based on the identification of areas of particular environmental value called Sites of Community Importance (SCI-ZSC), which go alongside the Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birdlife.
The two Community Directives tend to patch up the tears of a territory, the European one, which has suffered so much fragmentation of natural environments in favour of urbanization, industrial activity, intensive agriculture and infrastructure.
The Life Eremita project contributes firstly to improve knowledge about the presence of the 4 target species, secondly to improve their conservation status through specific actions such as: the creation of tree habitats, the restoration of forest microhabitats and habitats of lentic and lotic waters, ex situ reproduction (captive breeding), the reintroduction/restocking of the reproduced animals together with the translocation of captured specimens. In addition, actions are planned to increase the availability of habitats for residual populations and actions are promoted to remove threats. The project results will also serve to modify and/or update the Specific Conservation Measures or Management Plans for these species for the RN2000 sites concerned.

The main objective of ensuring the maintenance or restoration of a favourable conservation status of each natural habitat type and of the life conditions of the species is achieved concretely both by applying specific Directives and management and monitoring measures, and by applying the procedures of EIA and SEA to all the plans, programmes and projects to be implemented inside or near to the Natura 2000 sites.

The EU’s financial instrument supporting environmental actions, aimed at habitats and species conservation of Community interest is LIFE Nature, together with the structural funds of the Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) specifically dedicated to Natura 2000.




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last modified September 9, 2022 1:17 PM
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