LIFE-RII european project

Communication and dissemination

Action D - Communication and dissemination of the - LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 RII project

Project reserves a particular care to raise public awareness and dissemination of the project and its results at the local, national and European level.

With the action will develop the project's website, where dedicated areas will allow users to have a confrontation between stakeholders and public authorities, the download of the materials produced by the project and the update on its progress by means of a newsletter.

It also foresees the creation of information boards, a layman’s report for non-expert people and publications, brochures, information / communication materials, communication activities such as conferences, workshops and opportunities for discussion, in particular initial and  final international conferences and national conferences.

Finally the installation of information points, all designed by the development of an appropriate plan of general communication.



Conference - The experience of LIFE RII Project (November 17, 2016)

Workshop - The design issues of hydraulic-environmental integrated restoration (May 8, 2015)

Conference - New approaches to the analysis of rural land (October 9, 2014)

Workshop - Compensation tools for hydraulic-environmental use of rural land (June 25, 2014)

Workshop - The management of robinia and other invasive species (March 7, 2014)

Conference - Participatory process in water stream restoration (November 25, 2013)




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