LIFE-RII european project

Workshop - The design issues of hydraulic-environmental integrated restoration

May 8, 2015 - halls "B-C", Terza torre, Viale della Fiera, 8 in Bologna

English version  The workshop, organized together with LIFE RINASCE Project, was dedicated to the technicians of public administrations and land reclamation Consortia, in order to disseminate the knowledge and experiences gained so far in the restoration of small streams and channels, promoting best management practices and interventions that combine environmental protection to the flood safety.

The event was well attended (46 total admissions).

During the morning the issues of minor drainage network , topic of the Project LIFE RII were treated, while in the afternoon the focus was on the reclamation network of the plain.

In opening remarks, Dr. Monica Guide brought greetings from the Emilia-Romagna to the participants, and briefly presented the project LIFE RII, explaining the objectives, strategies and activities planned in the course of its operation.
Subsequently, the word is passed to Alessandro Regazzoni and Alessandra Castellini, lecturers in the Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Bologna.

The two speakers explained the legal basis and the latest updates of the calculation model for estimating the flooding servitude for the use of agricultural land for the purpose of defense against the risk of flooding, all accompanied by a series of practical examples fell in reality of the territory of LIFE RII.
As presented was then discussed with the participants, who have requested further details and shared their experiences.
The morning then continued with the intervention of Eng. Marco Monaci, who illustrated the problems faced during the design, and the contribution of Dr. Aronne Ruffini, who has fully described the work carried out on the canals and the first effects that are now watching along the waterways.
Finally, the work was completed with a further debate among the defendants.



Presentation of LIFE RII Project (ITA) (pdf3.24 MB)

Monica Guida, Alfredo Caggianelli - Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service, Emilia-Romagna

Reference statement and evaluation criteria for the calculation of compensation for expropriations and servitude. (pdf1.33 MB)

The case of the protection by environmental damage in natural disasters (ITA)

Alessandra Castellini, Alessandro Ragazzoni and Lucia devenuto,
University of Bologna - Department of Agricultural Sciences

LIFE RII: from theory to practice, opportunities and problems of interventions. First part (ITA) (pdf3.39 MB)

Marco Monaci, Freelance Engineer

LIFE RII: from theory to practice, opportunities and problems of interventions. second part (ITA) (pdf26.94 MB)

Aronne Ruffini, Head of the Environment Section of Central Emilia Land Reclamation Consortium



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