LIFE-RII european project


Objectives of RII - LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 project

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The projects has the following objects, in order of importance:



  1. to launch, test and demonstrate the usefulness of some innovative strategies for land management and of some techniques for the interventions on water streams, designed on the base principles of European Directives and aimed to address hydraulic and ecological problems of the lower order river network which is excluded from their application field, and of some legal-administrative tools to support the management of hydraulic risks and the environmental requalification of the territory;
  2. to foster the improvement of the ecological status of lower order river network belonging to an intensely urbanized belt of territory located in close proximity to the hills, and at the same time to reduce the risk of flooding in the same area and downstream of it, contributing also to face the issue of surface and underground waters quality in an “area sensitive to nitrates from agricultural sources”;
  3. to raise the awareness of the authorities who have the competence for water management (both Italian and European), of Municipalities, territorial governance structures and public citizens about the possibilities that the abovementioned strategies, techniques and tools can offer for the protection and the ecological requalification of lower order river network and for the management of flood risk.


LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 European Project
Developed and coordinated by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service,
Viale della Fiera, 8 40127 Bologna - ITALY - Phone: +390515276811

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