LIFE-RII european project

In-depth analyses

A1 - Naturalistic, geomorphological and hydraulic in-depth analyses of the study area

The project implementation phase requires a few preparatory actions, which will be carried out for the most part in the first months of the project.

Among these, in-depth analyses of the environmental, hydraulic and geomorphological characteristics and problems of the area are fundamental in view of drafting a "Wide-scale integrated  hydraulic-environmental regeneration programme  within the ​​study area" (action B2 of TAF) and designing a few pilot actions  on the rivers (actions from B3 to B8). This will provide an overview of the features, problems and peculiarities of the area involved in the project within the four municipalities.
The analysis is intended to collect useful and detailed wide-scale information to feed spatial planning, to define actions at the river basin level and along morphologically homogeneous stretches, but not so precise as to be sufficient for the design of  actions for individual river stretches.
To collect this type of information, which allows to optimize time and resources available, it is necessary to develop a field monitoring and GIS-based methodology.
The in-depth analyses have been developed according to a methodology validated by the TWG Technical Working Group.


LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 European Project
Developed and coordinated by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service,
Viale della Fiera, 8 40127 Bologna - ITALY - Phone: +390515276811

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