LIFE-RII european project


Technical Working Group functions of RII - LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 project

Technical Working Group (TWG) Members, in charge of the LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 Project management functions, as required by the Technical application forms of the Project, have been appointed with determination DG Environment Soil and Coast Protection n.14278 dated 9.11.2012 supplemented by det. n.3158 dated 3.04.2013. and det. n.11229 dated 13.09.2013 .

The Technical Working Group relies upon the skills and expertise provided by the Emilia-Romagna Region, DG Environment Soil and Coast Protection Services, as well as the expertise provided by the technical and environmental experts of the Municipalities of Albinea, Bibbiano, Quattro Castella and San Polo d'Enza. The Environmental Systems Service ARPA - Reggio Emilia, Artistic, Cultural and Natural Heritage Institute of the Emilia-Romagna Region collaborators are also involved in the project.  The Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Emilia Centrale  has been identified as a subcontractor for the design related technical activities.

In order to achieve the highest possible level and the several complex expected objectives on schedule, the Technical Working Group works jointly, is convened to meet the work needs and is broken down into subgroups to make the project operational and to pool together the necessary expertise  that is from time to time required.

The following main tasks have been assigned to the Technical Working Group:

-         verify the correct implementation of the Project

-         implement the technical direction of the Project

-         coordinate the activities of the different actions of the Project

-         discuss and resolve technical issues and identify new solutions

-         ensure that the work plan is met

-         establish standards for reports, presentations and products

-         evaluate and approve the final technical results


LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 European Project
Developed and coordinated by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service,
Viale della Fiera, 8 40127 Bologna - ITALY - Phone: +390515276811

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