Co-financing the LIFE RII Project
Co-financing the LIFE RII Project
Collaborates implementing of the LIFE RII Project in technical activities related to the design
Co-financing the LIFE RII Project
The RAINBO project aims to develop and improve methods and tools to predict severe rainfall events and their impact, focusing on the hydrologic response of the small watercourses within the urban area of Bologna. The final objective is to reach a higher resilience in such watercourses, by means of a monitoring and modeling system allowing it to forecast any sudden flooding event.
The general objective of the project is for the reinstatement and consolidation of the green infrastructure that consists of a network of resurgences, irrigation ditches and channels in the Bressanvido District (Vicenza– Italy). This infrastructure is located in an area with a strong agricultural (dairy farming) orientation: within this context the loss of biodiversity caused by the intense exploitation of the territory can be significantly reduced
The REWAT project aims at implementing a number of demonstration measures for the sustainable management of water resources of the lower Cornia valley, both structural (pilot interventions) and non-structural (education and training), which will form the basis for a governance processes (Basin Contract) aimed at sharing a long-medium term strategy for sustainable water management in the concerned hydrological system
The project LIFE13 NAT/IT/001129 BARBIE has its primary objective the conservation and recovery of native populations of barbels in Emilia Romagna, as a means of protecting the natural condition of rivers under Directives 1992/43/EC and 2000/60/EC
LIFE HELPSOIL promotes the dissemination of technical and better solutions can improve the sustainability and competitiveness of farming and at the same time protect and ensure the sustainable use of soil by preserving functions, preventing threats and mitigating the impacts of 'farming on the environment
"Lambro Vivo" is a project for the implementation of measures for environmental and ecological restoration of the river Lambro through actions, paths and initiatives shared with citizenship
The Urban Oases project aims to demonstrate how innovatively designed and built landscapes can restore and/or introduce water environment protecting elements and ecosystem services in urban areas
LIFe TIB project (Trans Insubria Bionet) aims the improvement and preservation of green infrastructure, or a part of the main ecological corridor that crosses the Po Valley. It is an element of primary importance in the Natura 2000 network that extends throughout Europe, as it connects with the Continental bioregion Alpina. In particular, the section covered by the project extends from the foothills of the Campo dei Fiori relief (north of Varese) and the River Ticino Valley
The project WATER RE-BORN - Artificial Recharge: Innovative Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources studies measures to reduce and control water flowing underground. Artificial recharge of aquifers in fact, indicated by the acronym of "AR" (Artificial Recharge) and "March" (Management of Aquifer Recharge), lowers the imbalance between demand and available resources
ZeoLIFE project was designed to test an innovative "cycle of zeolitites", with the aim of reducing the content of NH4 + in the effluent of breeding and simultaneously correct the farmland. The cycle will lead to an improvement in the yield and to a saving of fertilizers is that of irrigation water, with consequent reduction of the pollution of surface water and groundwater and less waste of water resources
Implementation of a water saving and artificial recharging participated strategy for the quantitative groundwater layer rebalance of the upper Vicenza's plain
Trentino and the Alps, realizing that complete safety cannot be guaranteed and to prepare the population for flood events through a participatory process involving citizens, experts and administrators.
LIFE "RINASCE" project aims to create, for demonstration purposes, the redevelopment of some environmental hydraulic drainage canals Emilian built over the centuries by man to the land reclamation, located on the plains in the territory of several municipalities in the province of Reggio Emilia and Modena
Sor.Ba - Springs of Bacchiglione. It is aimed at the redevelopment of one of the most important rivers of resurgence in Europe, the Bacchiglione river, by restoring the original habitats and the natural conversion of the site used until a few years ago as fish farming
The rice fields of Vercelli: integrated program for environmental restoration and sustainable management of the agricultural rice growing
LIFE + Invasive alien species - Montecristo 2010 Eradication of invasive alien Flora and faunistica components and protection of habitat in the Tuscan Archipelago
CRAINat - Conservation and recovery of Austropotamobius pallipes in Italian Natura2000 sites. It provides for the implementation of specific actions for the protection and conservation of "Austropotamobius pallipes"