LIFE-RII european project

Project LIFE RII

LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 - Hydraulic-environmental integrated requalification of water streams belonging to the piedmont belt of Emilia-Romagna Region.

Logo LIFE-Rii european projectThe RII project concerns the piedmont belt of the Apennines near Reggio Emilia, an area where the density of infrastructures and the high level of urbanization cause a high flood risk.
The project aims at launching and testing the efficacy of some innovative strategies for land management together with experimental interventions aimed at restoring a safer path for water streams, more similar to their natural course, with the goal to improve their self-purification capacity and to improve the quality of waters and their ecological status.

The LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 project on "Integrated hydraulic-environmental regeneration of water streams belonging to the piedmont belt of Emilia-Romagna Region”  has been approved and co-financed at 50% by the European Commission, in the framework of the LIFE+ fund for the Environment,  EC financial instrument to support environmental and natural regeneration projects.

The Project  has jointly been put forward  by the Emilia-Romagna Region and by the Municipalities of Albinea, Bibbiano, Quattro Castella and San Polo d'Enza. The Consorzio di Bonifica dell’Emilia Centrale  (Reclamation Consortium of Central Emilia) is actively involved in the implementation of the Project, with special reference to  its design and management.

The total amount is € 1,299,250, of which:

-       EU contribution € 599,250

-       Emilia-Romagna, coordinating beneficiary, € 500,000

-       Municipalities, co-funders, € 100,000

-       The Financing Agreement was signed on 26 September 2012.

-       The Project development lasts from 3 September 2012 to 31 March, 2016.


LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 European Project
Developed and coordinated by the Emilia-Romagna Region, Soil and Coast Protection and Land Reclamation Service,
Viale della Fiera, 8 40127 Bologna - ITALY - Phone: +390515276811

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