LIFE-RII european project

All documents of final conference now available

Presentations and videos of the conference held in Bologna, November 17, 2016, are available for consultation

The documentation relating to the conference "The experience of the LIFE RII Project : objectives and findings" are now published and can be found in the web site.

The event focus


Monica Guida talks about the Project LIFE RII actions

The closing event of the LIFE RII was an opportunity to say once again the importance that this innovative project has played in the regional context.


 The audience

In the morning session the speeches, followed with interest by a large number of participants, explained the set of experiences gained during the project, which will be put to use in the coming years, thus contributing to the implementation of safety and protection of the territory.

The afternoon session of the conference, dedicated to the networking with three European projects, was instead an opportunity to take advantage of further food for thought and to exchange experiences.


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