LIFE-RII european project

Final Conference of LIFE RII Project

It will be held on Thursday, November 17, 2016 at the Hall "20 May 2012" in Viale della Fiera, 8 in Bologna

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Close to its end, the Project "LIFE RII" organizes in Bologna, at the Hall "20 May 2012", Viale della Fiera 8, its closing conference in which will be presented to the public the final results.

The event will be divided into two thematic sessions.

The morning will be dedicated ample space to the project and the results achieved, while the afternoon will be hosted three European projects dedicated to environmental restoration, protection of water and contrast the hydrogeological.

The meeting will thus be a further opportunity for discussion and exchange of experiences.


Conference programme (ITA) (212.62 KB)


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Phone: +39 (51) 5276866

Fax: +39 (51) 5276941


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