Convegno del progetto LIFE REWAT
4 maggio 2018 - Venturina Terme (LI) - Evento di metà percorso del progetto dedicato alla Val Cornia
Risultati della ricerca
Parametri di ricerca Parole chiaveLIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 (412)
Risultati della ricerca 11/10/2021 progeu.regione.../…/notizie/2021
Approvati i primi due progetti per la messa in sicurezza di Bibbiano e Quattro Castella. A breve l'affidamento dei lavori
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/topics/project-life-rii-1
LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 - Hydraulic-environmental integrated requalification of water streams belonging to the piedmont belt of Emilia-Romagna Region.
1/06/2022 progeu.regione.../…/notizie/2022
Con il rinnovo della Convenzione verranno gestiti dal Consorzio di Bonifica oltre 300 km di piccoli corsi d'acqua
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/pictures/waterstreams-before-project
Pictures of rio Enzola at various points of its course
31/08/2015 progeu.regione.../…/pictures/waterstreams-before-project
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/pictures/waterstreams-before-project
Some pictures taken along the streambed
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/pictures/waterstreams-before-project
Pictures of Rio Bertolini along its course adjacent to the road and with unstable slope
1/09/2015 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
The streambeds situation in various seasons before project interventions
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
2/02/2018 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Photos of the works carried out as part of the "RII Covenant"
15/03/2013 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Organizations involved in Life Rii project
13/07/2017 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Pictures of the meeting between LIFE projects on 27-28 June 2017
11/05/2018 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Images of the meeting with Agrowetlands II project, Italian Ministry of Environment and the Hungarian delegation in April 27, 2018
23/08/2017 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
7/03/2018 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Pictures of the Technical Group meeting
3/09/2015 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Images of boards on the territory (Action D.2)
6/06/2016 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Some pictures from the meeting
2/09/2015 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Types of plants along the water courses
2/09/2015 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Fauna observed along the course of water streams
23/11/2016 progeu.regione.../…/gallery/pictures
Pictures of the final conference held in Bologna on November 17, 2016