Risultati della ricerca
Risultati della ricerca
Pictures of the second day of the course: field trip (9 October 2019)
Pictures of the seminar edited by ANBI (22 October 2018)
Guided tour on the redeveloped channels in collaboration with the Universities of Modena and Parma
Photos of the works carried out as part of the "RII Covenant"
Pictures of the meeting between LIFE projects on 27-28 June 2017
Images of the meeting with Agrowetlands II project, Italian Ministry of Environment and the Hungarian delegation in April 27, 2018
Pictures of the Technical Group meeting
Images of boards on the territory (Action D.2)
Monday, November 25, 2013 was held the conference on the LIFE RII European Project
From the LIFE projects a new opportunity to discuss on the management of resources and the territory
The book contains a review of the LIFE RII Project
Pictures from the final conference - Bologna, September 11, 2020
Pictures of the training course of 22 October 2018 by the CIRF
Free training course organized by the LIFE RINASCE Project - 22 July 2020
Pictures of the initiative by the Municipality of Novi (MO) - 2018 December, 1
Pictures from the second day of the national conference (2018 October, 24)
Pictures of the inspection carried out on April 9, 2019
Final Conference of the LIFE RII Project - Thursday, November 17, 2016 - Hall "20 Maggio 2012" Third Tower - Emilia-Romagna Region, Viale della Fiera Bologna 8 - hours 9:00 to 16:30
A quarter of a century dedicated to the environment and nature