Risultati della ricerca
Risultati della ricerca
The ARGOS Final Conference was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 15th to 16th June, representing the final event of the project. The previous day, the last Steering Committee (SC) and the last Advisory Adriatic Council (AAC) met.
Training workshop aimed at improving blue skills and knowledge to raise awareness of environmental behavior among operators and consumers. Cervia, Fishermen's Market - Viale Nazario Sauro, 3 - 29 June, 5:00 p.m.
Pictures from the second day of the national conference (2018 October, 24)
A smart publication, addressed to all interested people
Free training course organized by the LIFE RINASCE Project - 8 and 9 October 2019
From the LIFE projects a new opportunity for discussion on the management of resources and the territory
The project will participate in the international conference on the management of cross-border water bodies
River restoration will be treated for a new territory balance, including climate change and land use
Available the new images of the construction site near Carpi
Incontro nazionale di Bologna del 16 maggio 2017
The scope of the RINASCE - LIFE 13 ENV/IT/000169 project
Types of plants along the LIFE RINASCE canals
The most recent pictures of the restoration works near Carpi are available now
Innovative vegetation management interventions and evaluation of the environmental, hydraulic and economic benefits deriving from the best practices that have been implemented
Development of an integrated hydraulic-environmental regeneration program of in the area under study
Events dedicated to the analysis, design and monitoring of the integrated restoration of drainage canals
Pictures of the second day of the course: field trip (9 October 2019)
Pictures taken during the field trip belong LIFE RINASCE canals (2018 October, 26)
Pictures of the seminar edited by ANBI (22 October 2018)
Guided tour on the redeveloped channels in collaboration with the Universities of Modena and Parma