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Cosa fa la Regione

LIFE 14 NAT/IT/000209 - Coordinated actions to preserve the residual and isolated populations of forest and freshwater insects in Emilia-Romagna.

Four European protected insect species, present in the territory of the Region, are rapidly declining due to the progressive reduction of their habitats. These species are protected also by Regional Law n.15/2006 ‘Provisions for the protection of the minor fauna in Emilia-Romagna’. Two of these species, the Hermit Beetle and the Rosalia Longicorn, are wood beetles, linked to the life of trees. The other two species are connected to aquatic environments: the Water Beetle and the Southern Damselfly. The project started in 2016 and, within its 5-year lifetime, it aims at countering the decline of these rare and threatened species by improving their habitats and strengthening their populations.


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last modified November 12, 2021 8:36 AM
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