The Lifeel project showcased at Sana Bologna
The Lifeel project is one of the most important innovative and sustainable activities of European relevance participated by the Emilia-Romagna Region with the Life Fund co-financement aimed at promoting a more balanced and integrated approach to the Blue Economy in the partners regions (all riverains regions in the Po river basin and the Anatoliki Makedonia region in the Nestos river delta).
The future of the “traditional” Blue economy sectors (namely fisheries and aquaculture) is strictly linked to the health degree of the marine and rivers' biodiversity; and moreover, the local dimension of the sustainable promotion activities is crucial because it respects local practices and traditions, more sustainable than the industrial ones and more apt to enhance the local communities welfare as well as a easy access to a source of healthy food for all.
Lifeel gives a significative contribution to those objectives, and not only to those.
The project community is composed by institutions, researchers, economic operators from all the value chains of fisheries, aquaculture and hydroelectric production companies. All of them intend to collaborate towards the EU biodiversity Strategy macro-obiectives, among whose le renaturalization of at least 25.000 km. of rivers all across Europe, through the elimination of obsolete barrages and dams, which hamper the free flowing of the rivers and the coming back to the rivers' sources of the migratory fish species, incrementing exponentially the risk of extinction.
We discuss those problems and the possible solution offered by Lifeel in a capsule event held in the framework of the Sana fair, in Bologna, on September the 9th.
The partnership of the project, namely the project manager and representatives from the Italian researchers (University of Bologna, University of Ferrara) took actively part to the event, in order to explain and make it clear what are the longlasting objectives and the outcome expected of the Lifeel project. This is one of the strongest characteristics of the Lifeel project: a wonderful partnership.
With their support it was possible to explain why Anguilla anguilla is a crucial species for the biodiversity of the whole global ecosystem as well of unique places like the deltas of the major European rivers.
Several among the main measures taken by the project partnership already are in place and produce very interesting impacts.
To conclude, we can say that, thanks to the project partners’ representatives and the Emilia-Romagna organisers, the days was a true success.
See you at the next event!