The project

Introducing the project Lifeel

Programma LifeelLifeel is the first Life funded project focused on protection of European Eel both in the Po River (Italy) and in the Nesto River (Greece).

The whole population of Anguilla anguilla is at risk of extinction because of the fragmentation of the rivers’ flowing and the many interferences with fisheries and aquaculture.
Lifeel encompasses a twofold kind of activities to be run, following a shared and collaborative approach. On one side, a programme of information and dissemination activities is scheduled; on the other side, actions for restocking of young specimens and breeders will be taken.

The partners’ experiences and research run in the Po River area will be developed and replicated in other areas with similar features, to establish an innovative replicable blueprint.
Starting from the implementation of the Italian Management Plan for the conservation of Anguilla anguilla, new operative tools will be replicated in the National Park of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, including the Nesto River basin and a lagoon system that represents more than 24% of the lagoons in Greece.
Beside of those actions of conservation, informative and knowledge transfer initiatives will be run within the two areas.

Lifeel in a nutshell

Project duration: 50 months from 1 october 2020 til 31 december 2024
Acronym: Lifeel
Extended title: Urgent measures in the Eastern Mediterranean for the long term conservation of endangered European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
Funding programme: LIFE Biodiversity
Code: LIFE19 NAT/IT/000851


Total project budget: 5.428.447 Euro
Total eligible project budget: 5.428.447 Euro
EU financial contribution requested: 3.114.322 Euro (= 57.37% of total eligible budget)

More information can be found in

Document Actions

last modified November 11, 2022 9:13 AM
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