Lifeel results showcased in Vigo, Spain, at Conxemar

The Emilia-Romagna Region participated to the well known fair in the framework of the Casa Italia stand

The Emilia-Romagna Region took part to the 24° edition of the Conxemar fair, held in Vigo, Spain. The Region has showcase the results of the Lifeel project in the framework of the “Casa Italia” space, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry's stand.

Conxemar is an international event that brings together the most renowned frozen seafood producers and distributors from around the world. Held in Vigo, Spain, this event provides an opportunity for exhibitors to showcase their products and services to a global audience. The event offers a unique platform for networking and collaboration, allowing exhibitors to connect with potential partners and customers from all over the world.

 In 2023, 25 Italian companies, and among them 4 from Emilia-Romagna, attended the event. The Region issued a call for interest to which  O.P. Consorzio pescatori di Goro scarl, Specialisti del Vivo srl di Rimini, Cooperativa Casa del Pescatore, Cattolica, and Mariscadoras srl di Rimini applied.

Emilia-Romagna accounts for a relevant quota of the whole fish food value chain and some of them are proposing solutions to the Blue crab crisis, by introducing in the market new products.

In this outstanding context the Emilia-Romagna Region has introduced to the attendants the goals and results of the Lifeel project.

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last modified October 5, 2023 12:41 PM
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