
CONSOLE project focuses on promoting the delivery of Agri-Environmental Climate Public Goods in agriculture and forestry through the improvement of innovative contractual solutions.

Console project roadshow hold on Cooperativa Agricola Braccianti Massari in Conselice

The project’s results were discussed with stakeholders together with a visit of a farm engaged in agro-enviromental measures and organic production under 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme

Horizon 2020 Console project’s main goal is studying how to efficiently support agriculture and forestry in providing agri-environmental-climate public goods and services through innovative contractual solutions. After almost three years after the project start, the time has come to discuss the main results with the stakeholders who adopted agri-enviromental schemes, thus providing information useful for all the farmers interested in these new contract models.

The roadshow "Console: project’s results and good practices in farms engaged in agro-enviromental measures and organic production under 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme" was organized by Emilia-Romagna Region Sustainable Agriculture Area and University di Bologna last May 30th in the headquarters of Cooperativa Agricola Braccianti Massari in Conselice (Ravenna area). The event aimed at involving a small group of stakeholders to ensure better interaction and engagement: over 20 people attended, among which farmers and consultants involved in the agri-environmental measures, phytosanitary, agri-environmental and veterinary regional officers, reclamation consortia representants, other Italian project partners such as University of Pisa and University of Ferrara.

The roadshow opened with a presentation given CAB Massari Director Giampietro Sabbatani: this cooperative in fact is a reference model, since it is currently enrolling a large share of its agricultural area in several agri-climate-environmental measures of rural development and investment measures for environmental objectives. University of Bologna presented then the main results of Console project and after that the attendees joined a guided tour in the field to observe some activities and ecological endowments of the farm, such as the wetlands and the characteristic features of the agricoltural landscape: groves and hedges that, since the 1990s, separate organic productions from conventional and/or integrated areas. Other measures shown during the visit are: intercropping between organic beet crops and mustard crops; organic orchards and organic farming; the production of organic milk without the use of silage.

At the end of the visit and before the conclusion of the roadshow, the participants had the opportunity to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these ecological measures, in particular how to manage alternate mowing inter-rows for the pest insects control in organic orchands.

Click to download the programme of the event (pdf199.72 KB) (in Italian).

Click to download CAB Massari presentation (pdf16.93 MB) (in Italian).

Click to download the Console project results (pdf1.91 MB) presentation (in Italian).

Click to download the European case studies (pdf1.55 MB) presentation (in Italian).

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last modified June 9, 2022 11:22 AM
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