Risultati della ricerca
Risultati della ricerca
Pictures of rio Enzola at various points of its course
Some pictures taken along the streambed
Pictures of Rio Bertolini along its course adjacent to the road and with unstable slope
The streambeds situation in various seasons before project interventions
Photos of the works carried out as part of the "RII Covenant"
Organizations involved in Life Rii project
Pictures of the meeting between LIFE projects on 27-28 June 2017
Pictures of the Technical Group meeting
Images of boards on the territory (Action D.2)
Some pictures from the meeting
Types of plants along the water courses
Fauna observed along the course of water streams
Pictures of the final conference held in Bologna on November 17, 2016
Monday, November 25, 2013 was held the conference on the LIFE RII European Project
From the LIFE projects a new opportunity to discuss on the management of resources and the territory
The project will be illustrated at the workshop next October 20, 2015
The stream in some pictures along its course
B1 – Participatory Process for the definition of a large-scale integrated hydraulic-environmental restoration programme within the study area