Emilia-Romagna against food waste with Lowinfood project

The objective within the project is to trasfer the innovation in the field of market withdrawals to other Regions

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Emilia-Romagna Region is a privileged partner in Lowinfood European project: our web application called SIR (Withdrawal Information System) simplifies the market withdrawals procedure and the redistribution of fruit and vegetables to charity organization. This innovation was acknowledged as a good practice both at national and European level and we hope through Lowinfood project to transfer this successful model to other European regions, because the reduction of food loss and waste is an absolute priority for EU. 

In this video Stefano Callegari, Emilia-Romagna Region reference person for crisis prevention and management measures in the fruit and vegetables sector, briefly explained how the software works and all the steps of the market withdrawal procedure.

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last modified July 20, 2022 8:39 AM
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