
CONSOLE project focuses on promoting the delivery of Agri-Environmental Climate Public Goods in agriculture and forestry through the improvement of innovative contractual solutions.

Console reached its conclusion, presentation of the project results

The multiplier event took place last 21st, September to share and discuss the achieved results

Console project, funded by the European Commission with Horizon 2020 programme (GA n. 817949), is going to officially end next October, 31st. The Multiplier event held last September, 21st was the chance for all the partners to sum up all the work packages, share the results achieved and discuss them with the relevant stakeholders.

After a first introduction about the project goals, the most interesting case studies of new contracts were presented: result-based contracts, solutions fostering collective implementation, value chain-based contracts. The following topic was a review of the results obtained from the farmers’ survey: over 3000 among farmers and stakeholders were interviewed in the 12 selected European countries.

Other contributions were about the performance evaluation of the new contract solutions through economic simulation models and about the carbon farming perspective in the framework of national and European policies.

Dr. Antonio Frattarelli from Agriculture Ministry (Mipaaf) and dr. Teresa Schipani from Emilia-Romagna Region, which is the Managing Authority for Rural Development, exposed the state of art related to the CAP 2023-2027 Strategic Plans.

Finally, new initiatives in continuity with Console project were presented, such as the future perspectives for the Community of Practice and the Knowledge Hub.

Speakers' presentations (in Italian):


Click to download the Console project introduction. (pdf1.91 MB)

Click to download the European case studies (pdf2.35 MB)presentation.

Click to download the survey questionnaires (pdf3.37 MB) results presentation.

Click to download the presentation about performance evaluation. (pdf1.07 MB)

Click to download the presentation about Community of Practice and knowledge hub. (pdf1.47 MB)

Click to download the presentation about the role of policy mix. (pdf902.11 KB)

Click to download the presentation about the Rural Development Programme 2023-2027 (pdf2.15 MB).

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last modified October 5, 2022 10:28 AM
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