Resistance - Raising awarenESs of maritIme SpaTial planning importANCE

Resistance project: a workshop about Maritime Spatial Planning and the protection of MPAs

A workshop held in Ravenna on April, 19th in the premises of Casa Matha and a study visit devoted to sustainability and balance between uses of the sea and protection of marine biodiversity

On Wednesday, April 19th a thematic workshop will be held in Ravenna with the financial support of the Resistance project. The workshop is organized in the Casa Matha, Ravenna premises by the Emilia-Romagna Region, partner of Resistance, with the participation of several project partners’ delegations.

All the courses held in Casa Matha have an environmental focus, this year especially devoted to the challenges of sustainability and balance between anthropic activities and climate change.

In the programme of the two-days event, co-financed by the Interreg Italy-Croatia programme, a panel of experts and representatives from partners institutions, with the focus on sharing experiences and best practices towards a more sustainable use of the marine and coastal resources and to set up adapted Guidelines to protect the biodiversity wealth in the Northern Adriatic.

The workshop will be moderated by Piergiorgio Vasi – Emilia-Romagna Region project manager; among the panelists, Giovanni Fanti, Angela Maini, Luisa Perini, Luca Chiodini, (Emilia-Romagna Region), Vlatka Bilas and Andrijana Dedic (Podstrana municipality),

The workshop is also available in streaming here.  

 Afterwards, a study visit at the Pialassa della Baiona venue will take place; on the following day the project delegation will move to Chioggia for a second workshop, this time with focus on Environmental risks and ports management in the Adriatic Sea.


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last modified April 18, 2023 2:54 PM
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