Resistance - Raising awarenESs of maritIme SpaTial planning importANCE

The relevance of marine biodiversity and nature preservation in Adriatic area

Dory and Ml-Repair for the capitalization of results in Resistance

Resistance tackles environmental issues that endanger our shared resources in the sea, coasts, and rivers.

Dory is one of the projects from the cluster for the capitalization of the nursery areas enhancement with a special focus on “Sole Sanctuary” and capitalizes the results and experiences together with other Interreg Italy-Croatia projects.

Dory promoted the adoption of common management models for supporting sustainable fisheries and development of alternative spatial management measures. The project, indeed, allowed to test good practices and protection models for overexploited species (the sole "Solea solea" and the cuttlefish "Sepia officinalis") by involving stakeholders.

At the same time, Ml-Repair gave its contribution to environmental protection and nature conservation, since it seeked to improve the environmental quality conditions of the Adriatic Sea and coastal area by using innovative technologies and approaches by engaging fishermen, local communities, the younger ones, the tourism sector, and Flag and Lags.

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last modified July 13, 2022 1:54 PM
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