Resistance - Raising awarenESs of maritIme SpaTial planning importANCE

The project gets underway with the Kick-off meeting for the presentation of objectives and contents

On tuesday 19th July, after the presentation, the workshop "Sustainable management for maritime spatial planning in protected areas and for the protection of biodiversity considering the impacts of climate change" will take place

The Resistance Kick-off event will be an opportunity to present the project, its objectives, and contents to the public. The aim of the project is to share the knowledge and experiences acquired on the sea, as well as on coastal and river environments, exploiting the results of the Interreg Ecomap, Ecoss, Net4mplastic, Soundscape, Dory, Saspas and Ml-Repair projects. The development of Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) guidelines and methodologies at local and regional level will be supported.

The kick-off meeting will be held on tuesday 19 July 2022. After the presentation of the project, the Workshop entitled "Sustainable management for maritime spatial planning in protected areas and for the protection of biodiversity considering the impacts of climate change" will take place. different stakeholders who will discuss and share different points of view and perspectives on the topic. The day before the kick-off, the Municipality of Podstrana - LP will organize a study day and site visits to the port of Špinut and the port and beach of Strožanac. These sites are interesting because wastewater filtration plants have been implemented in both ports and this year two blue flags have been raised on Strožanac beach and in the port of Špinut. All these activities have been implemented within the Ecomap project.

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last modified July 14, 2022 7:22 AM
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