Resistance - Raising awarenESs of maritIme SpaTial planning importANCE

Study visit to the Kornati National Park in Croatia

On 19 July on the occasion of the Kick-off for the presentation of the project. The environmentally friendly anchor buoys installed within the Saspas project will be shown

On 19 July, the Kornati National Park Institute, will organize a visit to the Kornati National Park and the bays where the Kornati National Park has installed environmentally friendly anchor buoys within the Saspas project.

The challenge of Saspas Interreg Italy - Croatia is to preserve and get a better status of conservation of biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea ecosystem to decrease its vulnerability. The overall objective is to improve seagrass preservation and restoration through laying safe anchorage innovative systems, performing pilot transplantations, carrying out monitoring activities and by defining an integrated management system for seagrasses in Adriatic area. The main outputs referred to the activities are: a Monitoring system with 2 data collections/monitoring campaigns, the placement of environmentally friendly anchoring systems, pilot transplantations of seagrasses and an Integrated Management System for seagrasses in the Adriatic area, made by a Gis Digital Information Platform and a Marine Seagrass Safeguard Integrated Management Program.

During the pilot site study visit in Kornati National Park, our partners will show the buoys for boat mooring and the ecological anchoring system developed by the project Saspas.


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last modified July 13, 2022 1:58 PM
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