Lowinfood, a useful tool to reach the strategical objectives of the Region

The project was mentioned in the Regional Economic and Financial Document 2023-2025, in the chapter about environmental sustainability, food education and food waste reduction

Lowinfood project was mentioned for the first time in the Economic and Financial Document 2023-2025: the main instrument of financial programming of the Region was approved by the regional Council, and is available for download in the Regional website (in Italian).

The document contains the strategic objectives for the different departments, integrated and connected with the other policy planning tools, especially the Agreement on Work and Climate and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

With respect to the agrifood area, the third objective concerns sustainability of production systems, food education and food waste reduction, starting from the premises that the economic sustainability of agriculture is closely linked to its environmental sustainability in the different food chains.

Beside the scheduled actions in agriculture and livestock farming about climate change mitigation, soil carbon sequestration and reduction of emissions, Emilia-Romagna good practices and experiences are well described, in particular S.I.R., the software to manage the food surplus withdrawals, which has been implemented for more than 10 years and is considered very innovative by the European Commission.

As highlighted in the Financial Document, the Region’s main objective within Lowinfood project is to transfer S.I.R efficient web application to other European region, thus helping them to keep on tackling food loss and waste.

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last modified August 26, 2022 10:53 AM
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