Workshop - The design issues of hydraulic-environmental integrated restoration

May 8, 2015 - halls "B-C", Terza torre, Viale della Fiera, 8 in Bologna

Poster pictureProgramme (pdf238.6 KB)

Poster (pdf5.81 MB)




The workshop, organized together with LIFE RII Project, was dedicated to the technicians of public administrations and land reclamation Consortia, in order to disseminate the knowledge and experiences gained so far in the restoration of small streams and canals, promoting best management practices and interventions that combine environmental protection to the flood safety.

The event was well attended (35 total admissions).


During the morning, the issues of minor drainage network were treated, while in the afternoon the focus was on the reclamation network of the plain, topic of the Project LIFE RINASCE.

At the opening of the works, Dr. Monica Guida brought the greetings of the Emilia-Romagna Region to the participants, and spoke to Dr. Alfredo Caggianelli, who briefly presented the LIFE RINASCE Project, illustrating its objectives, strategies and the activities planned during its course.

The activities were then continued by Dr. Aronne Ruffini, who explained the problems faced by the new European project and with the contribution of Eng. Marco Monaci, who has widely illustrated the state of progress of designing interventions along the canals.

The debate between the participants has thus allowed to compare the various experiences available in other regions, such as the Veneto Region, and to draw many ideas for the continuation of the RINASCE project.




Presentation of LIFE RINASCE Project

Monica Guida, Head of the Soil Protection, Coast and Land Reclamation Service, Emilia-Romagna Region

The design issues of the interventions of the hydraulic-integrated environmental restoration of drainage canals. Part 1

Aronne Ruffini, Head of Environment Office of Central Emilia Land Reclamation Consortium

The design issues of the interventions of the hydraulic-integrated environmental restoration of drainage canals. Part 2

Marco Monaci, Freelance Designer

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last modified December 20, 2018 2:24 PM
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