Moka LIFE RINASCE: the cartography in a click

The GIS web application to consult the project data is on line

The new “Moka LIFE RINASCE" web GIS application is online, which allows quick access and easy consultation of the cartography during the planning of the hydraulic and environmental requalification of the canals.

Collettore Alfiere, Acque Basse Modenesi, Diversivo Fossa Nuova Cavata, and Cavata Orientale are the four canals that overlap the regional cartographic and aero photo bases can be visualized with the GIS application.

The current version, in an advanced test phase, is based on the latest Html5 technology, and will be enriched with monitoring data in the future.


To access data


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last modified December 20, 2018 2:24 PM
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