PrizeFish Project

Improving the cross-border collaboration to enhance quality and traceability in the fish value chain.

Throughout the piloting of an eco-labelled fishery value chain potentially marketable with added-value, Prizefish partnership will tackle one of the main territorial challenge for Adriatic coasts’ fishery-based local economies. The Italian and Croatian SMEs and the Producers’ Organisations will be led to increase their competitiveness in the EU and international markets, through an enhanced cooperation with the relevant territorial institutions and research entities.

Doing so, Prizefish will meet the Common Fisheries Policy general objectives, through and effective collaboration. Eco-labelled fishery value chain and products from the Northern Adriatic Sea will be allotted with reach higher added-value, visibility and market penetration than at present time. The novel solutions proposed by Prizefish will contribute to support blue economy and growth in the fishery sector using a multi-approach strategy with three main components. The “high content of research & innovation” component will help in changing local fishery productions and sustain technological advance of fishing fleets, fishermen and SMEs along with the whole fishery and fish product supply-chain and value chain.

The “SME-driven and market penetration” component of Prizefish will permit deep and wide market and consumer analyses to successfully impact on already-recipient and potentially-recipient markets.

The “capitalization in fishery-based communities” component will impact in local and regional civil communities historically based on fishery activities and economy in the cooperation area, fostering social and economic improvements.

Emilia-Romagna Region will be involved in all the relevant project activities, and is expected to give a contribution to the daily management tasks as well to the coordination and dissemination initiatives, with a focus on the capitalization of the innovation aspects raised in the project, first of them the traceability and quality certification for the whole value chain.

EN project facts:

Total budget of the project: 3,117,680.00 EUR, of which 85% are co-financed by the ERDF (2,650,028.00 EUR)
Total budget for EmiliaRomagna Region as a partner is € 123,060, of which the 85% will be co-financed by the ERDF fund for an amount of 104,601 EUR and the 15% will be co-financed by a national rotation fund for an amount of 18,459.
The duration time is from January 2019 till June 2021.
Link to the programme page:

People involved in the project for Emilia-Romagna:

Piergiorgio Vasi, project manager tel. 051/5276353 

Luca Chiodini, communication manager tel. 051/5274627 

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last modified October 5, 2020 7:43 AM
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