The project partnership

Lets' be introduced to the Prizefish partnership!

Lead Partner: Centro Interdipartimentale di ricerca per le scienze ambientali – CIRSA – University of Bologna
UNIBO-CIRSA is a leading institution in the integrated marine coastal and resources management with expertise in developing and coordinating scientific and territorial programs to promote and facilitate cooperation between public or private, national or international partners and to organize courses, seminars and meetings and promote the publication and dissemination of studies and reports in order to increase the exchange on environmental issues between researchers, environmental experts and private/public stakeholders.
UNIBO-CIRSA has innovative skills in fishery management, biological system modelling
at regional level, identification of state indicators, environmental certification and innovative tools to improve sustainable management of fishery, socio-economic value, traceability and quality of fish products.

Partner n. 1: Zadar County (HR).
Zadar County has considerable experience in implementing EU funded projects,
especially crossborder ones. Significant experience in the implementation of the projects was obtained through the projects Ecosea and Bee Promoted. Through this project Zadar County established Polyculture in Cage Fish Farms for the Rational Use of Resources with purchased equipment. Also, it is established first Organization of Producers in Croatia made by selected Fishermen’s Cooperative “Omega 3”. Zadar County is responsible for affairs of regional importance on its territory including education, health, physical planning, development, economy, transport, environment, tourism. In this project will be involved the Department of Agriculture.

Partner n. 2: Institute of marine sciences ISMAR Headquarter of Ancona – CNR National Research Council (IT) - is a Public Research Body with the mission to carry out, promote, transfer, encourage and enhance research in the main sectors of knowledge the implementing unit is located in Ancona namely as CNR ISMAR, which aimed at managing and understanding the problems linked to fisheries. In the framework of this mandate, the activities of ISMAR CNR include all aspects of the implementation of the EU Data Collection Framework in GSA 17 (Northern Adriatic Sea). In particular Ancona section is the main structure in ISMAR involved in fishery science and management.

Partner n. 3: ASSAM - Agency for agrofood sector services of Marche (IT).

 ASSAM is the operational agency of agro-food policies Department of Marche Region established under the RL 13/99. Its mission is linking productive sector to research sector in close cooperation with decision-makers in charge of rural planning,

Universities and Research Centres, agro-food stakeholders. ASSAM is a key implementer of the QM brand (Quality guaranteed by Marche Region) established under regional law to valorise regional products. Also, ASSAM has a wide experience in the development and management of EU projects.

Partner n. 4: CESTHA, Experimental Centre for habitat conservation. Ravenna (IT)
Cestha is a research association that works through environmental protection projects.
It brings together various skills from the academic world, with a team of marine biologists, aquaculture and naturalists.
Its area of intervention goes from environmental protection projects to researches for a sustainable use of resources. some projects for the conversion of fishing methods in favor of low impact techniques, are already underway, including experiments using innovative tools. The team also manages, in collaboration with fishermen, the former local market converted to a research center. Its experience is also related to LIFE+ projects as TARTALIFE as a sub-contractor and to other EU projects like CLEAN SEA LIFE on behalf of Legambiente.

Partner n. 5 Secondary high school 'REMO BRINDISI' - Pole of sea crafts. Lido degli Estensi (IT)
PMM is the only fishing high-school in Italy whose students go out to sea to fish and practice fishing. PMM has specific skills in the field of training in fishing, ecology, territory knowledge and transformation techniques. It expertise is mainly in vocational training and research activities, with the mission to improvement and innovation.

Partner n. 6 IZOR Institute of oceanography and fisheries – Split (HR)
IZOR is one of the leading scientific institution in the field of marine and fisheries biology, ecology and oceanographic aspects having regard to the Adriatic and Mediterranean environments. It boasts experiences personnel fully equipped for all kind of biological and oceanographic investigation, involved in several national and international relevance projects, and who authored many scientific papers.

Partner n. 7: OGS – National Institute of oceanography and experimental geophysics – Trieste (IT)
OGS mission encompasses the synergies with other research institutions and stakeholders for a multi-level reflection on scientific and applied research in the field of marine ecosystem features, hydrodynamic analyses, chemical, physical and biological processes and determinants, and data collection with own operational tools (e.g. Copernicus).

Partner n. 8: Fishermen cooperative OMEGA3 – KALI (HR)
This fishing cooperative was founded in 2008 in Kali, Dalmatia, on the basis of a hundred-years tradition. It has a fleet of around 50 larger and 20 small fishing vessels, employing the most of the local population and making the bigger part of the local economy.

Partner n. 9: RZI – Fishing cooperative ISTRA – Rijeka (HR)
This fishing cooperative is the leading fishermen cooperative in Istria, with a strong commitment and achievements registered, and boasts the status of OPISTRA – producer organization – for sole and oyster. Istra cooperative holds since many years the fishing concession “Tarska vala” in a special aquatic habitat in the river Mirna. The cooperative is member of the local Centre for cooperative entrepreneurship, Fishing guild and local trade association and the LAGUR local action group for fisheries and fish processing promotion.

Partner n. 10: O.P. BIVALVIA VENETO S.C. – Venezia (IT)
This producers organisation targets the natural stocks of Sea clams in the Northern Adriatic Sea, with reference to the open-sea fishing zone “A” under the Veneto Region jurisdiction. BIVALVIA performs systemic expansion of quality controls with accredited analysis institutes on a rotation basis.

Partner n. 11: Savjetodavna – ASC – Zagreb (HR)
ASC is a public advisory service in the fields of agriculture, rural development, fisheries and forestry. Its mission encompasses the technological and technical improvement of fish farms, fishermen skills and fisheries with a view of improve the fisheries and aquaculture value chain.

Partner n. 12: RERA – Institution for development – Split, Dalmatia (HR)
RERA is a public development agency whose mission is to act as a development instrument for the region, with emphasis on EU integration and attraction of foreign investment. It boasts interdisciplinary skills and good relations with researchers and Universities, in connection to the competitiveness initiatives, natural environment protection, rural tourism development and entrepreneurship.

Partner n. 13: Regione Emilia-Romagna (IT)
ERR, through its General Directorate for Agriculture, Hunting and Fisheries, brings to the project its wide experience in interregional cooperation initiatives and EU funds programming in the field of fisheries and aquaculture, and of natural and marine environment protection (eco-systemic approach).

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last modified June 17, 2019 4:52 PM
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