- Mediterranean Diet

Catering, local tourism and typical products at the time of Covid 19

The webinar is held on July 21st from 2.30 pm

Regione Emilia-Romagna is organising #webinars aimed at the #tourism, #foodservice and #catering sectors.

These webinars are going to investigate innovative solutions to face the challenges related to the #Covid19. The webinars will focus on how to use technologies and social networks for the #marketing and the sale of products, how to manage the "new" logistics imposed by Covid-19 (delivery and take-away of orders), how to ensure the well-being on the plate with the #MediterraneanDiet, how to manage the new consumers' behaviors after Covid-19 and how to promote local tourism and the discovering of territories with their typical products.

The topics of the webinar of the 21st of July are:

- the power of social commerce, how to use WhatsApp and social media to manage contacts and sales;

- how to use online searches for e-commerce and for bringing customers to the store or the restaurant;

- the Mediterranean diet and the development of the territory.

The attendance is free prior to registration

Don't miss the next appointment on Tuesday 21st July with Nicoletta Polliotto, digital project manager, food & restaurant marketing expert and well-known conference speaker!

Register now for the webinar:

Webinar is in Italian language

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last modified 2020-07-20T09:30:10+02:00
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