Monitoring actions

This group of actions involves the various phases of the project throughout its lifetime

C1 Action: Hydraulic and Environmental Monitoring
This action is dedicated to the chemical-physical, ecological, geomorphological and hydraulic monitoring of the success and the effects of the restoration work and of the management of vegetation of the drainage canals.

C2 Action: Monitoring the effectiveness of the dissemination
The monitoring activity provides the evaluation of the dissemination actions foreseen by the project.

C3 Action: Socio-economic Monitoring
This action foresees the monitoring of project impacts on Stakeholders, by the arrangement and distribution of specific questionnaires, to analyze expectations, sensations, changes in the way of analyzing the treated issues, changes in the suitable strategies to address them, ideas regarding the success or not of the project actions and the motivations that have led to certain results.

Document Actions

last modified December 20, 2018 2:23 PM
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