
Networking with LIFE 13 ENV/IT/000169 RINASCE project
Project LIFE15 CCA/IT/00035 “RAINBO” Project LIFE15 CCA/IT/00035 “RAINBO”

The RAINBO project aims to develop and improve methods and tools to predict severe rainfall events and their impact, focusing on the hydrologic response of the small watercourses within the urban area of Bologna. The final objective is to reach a higher resilience in such watercourses, by means of a monitoring and modeling system allowing it to forecast any sudden flooding event

Project LIFE14 NAT/IT/000938 "Risorgive" Project LIFE14 NAT/IT/000938 "Risorgive"

The general objective of the project is for the reinstatement and consolidation of the green infrastructure that consists of a network of resurgences, irrigation ditches and channels in the Bressanvido District (Vicenza– Italy). This infrastructure is located in an area with a strong agricultural (dairy farming) orientation: within this context the loss of biodiversity caused by the intense exploitation of the territory can be significantly reduced

Project LIFE14 ENV/IT/001290 "REWAT" Project LIFE14 ENV/IT/001290 "REWAT"

The REWAT project aims at implementing a number of demonstration measures for the sustainable management of water resources of the lower Cornia valley, both structural (pilot interventions) and non-structural (education and training), which will form the basis for a governance processes (Basin Contract) aimed at sharing a long-medium term strategy for sustainable water management in the concerned hydrological system

Project LIFE13 NAT/IT/001129 "LIFE Barbie" Project LIFE13 NAT/IT/001129 "LIFE Barbie"

The project LIFE13 NAT/IT/001129 BARBIE has its primary objective the conservation and recovery of native populations of barbels in Emilia Romagna, as a means of protecting the natural condition of rivers under Directives 1992/43/EC and 2000/60/EC

Project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000578 "HelpSoil" Project LIFE12 ENV/IT/000578 "HelpSoil"

LIFE HELPSOIL promotes the dissemination of technical and better solutions can improve the sustainability and competitiveness of farming and at the same time protect and ensure the sustainable use of soil by preserving functions, preventing threats and mitigating the impacts of 'farming on the environment

Project LIFE11 ENV/IT/0004 "Lambrovivo" Project LIFE11 ENV/IT/0004 "Lambrovivo"

"Lambro Vivo" is a project for the implementation of measures for environmental and ecological restoration of the river Lambro through actions, paths and initiatives shared with citizenship

Project LIFE11 ENV/FI/911 "Urban Oases" Project LIFE11 ENV/FI/911 "Urban Oases"

The Urban Oases project aims to demonstrate how innovatively designed and built landscapes can restore and/or introduce water environment protecting elements and ecosystem services in urban areas

Project LIFE10 ENV/IT/000394 WARBO Project LIFE10 ENV/IT/000394 WARBO

The project WATER RE-BORN - Artificial Recharge: Innovative Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources studies measures to reduce and control water flowing underground. Artificial recharge of aquifers in fact, indicated by the acronym of "AR" (Artificial Recharge) and "March" (Management of Aquifer Recharge), lowers the imbalance between demand and available resources

Project LIFE10 ENV/IT/000321 “LIFE+ ZEOLIFE” Project LIFE10 ENV/IT/000321 “LIFE+ ZEOLIFE”

ZeoLIFE project was designed to test an innovative "cycle of zeolitites", with the aim of reducing the content of NH4 + in the effluent of breeding and simultaneously correct the farmland. The cycle will lead to an improvement in the yield and to a saving of fertilizers is that of irrigation water, with consequent reduction of the pollution of surface water and groundwater and less waste of water resources

Project LIFE 15 GIC/IT/000030 “FRANCA” Project LIFE 15 GIC/IT/000030 “FRANCA”

Trentino and the Alps, realizing that complete safety cannot be guaranteed and to prepare the population for flood events through a participatory process involving citizens, experts and administrators

Project H2020 "FREEWAT" Project H2020 "FREEWAT"

FREEWAT Project aims at promoting water resource management by simplifying the application of the Water Framework Directive and other EU water related Directives. FREEWAT main result will be an open source and public domain GIS integrated modelling environment for the simulation of water quantity and quality in surface water and groundwater with an integrated water management and planning module

Project LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 RII Project LIFE 11 ENV/IT/000243 RII

The RII project concerns the piedmont belt of the Apennines near Reggio Emilia, an area where the density of infrastructures and the high level of urbanization cause a high flood risk. The project aims at launching and testing the efficacy of some innovative strategies for land management together with experimental interventions aimed at restoring a safer path for water streams, more similar to their natural course, with the goal to improve their self-purification capacity and to improve the quality of waters and their ecological status


With a bad irrigation, the salts present in the water are deposited on the soil surface and hinder the plants growth: a serious problem of soil degradation which can lead to desertification. To fight this phenomenon, Agrowetlands II relies to agriculture of accuracy, by introducing an innovative system of irrigation management that guarantees the preservation of the soil and water quality, maintain productivity, the protection of biodiversity and the regular adaptation to climate change. Agriculture becomes hi-tech with wireless sensors that detect moisture and soil salinity by providing valuable information for irrigation management.

Project Interreg “SPARE” Project Interreg “SPARE”

The SPARE project (Strategic Planning for Alpine River Ecosystems) involves nine partners from six different Alpine countries and aims to harmonize the use and conservation of water resources. It supports the importance of an "integrated and participatory" approach to the sustainable management of watercourses. Dora Baltea river in Valle d'Aosta region is one of the five case studies of the project.

INCIA Soc. Coop. INCIA Soc. Coop.

Incia is a cooperative that deals with environmental consulting for government agencies, associations and private companies offering services and education and environmental communication and sustainable tourism

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last modified December 20, 2018 2:24 PM
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