B1 Action - Participatory process

Participatory process to support the project

The channels requalification projects will be developed subjecting the technical aspects with the involvement of local, national and international, public and private stakeholders, using different way for the involvement depending on the objectives addressed every time.

Local actors, both public and private, will then provide their input during projects preparation stage, participating, in a structured and organized manner, to the identification and selection of specific objectives (within the general framework established by the project proposed), the possible actions needed to achieve the targets set, the rules for implementing and the monitoring interventions.

The participation process will adopt formalized methods of involvement, based on the methodology tested in Italy for the development of river contracts.

The process will be managed by a coordination group formed by experts in the field of public participation, which will report to the Technical Working Group of the project.


To consult the documentation look at the Italian web site


Document Actions

last modified September 9, 2022 1:18 PM
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