Collettore Alfiere

Collettore Alfiere winter 2015

The Collettore Alfiere canal arises from the confluence of the Cavo Taiadizzo with the Scolo Casalone Basso drain. The total length is about 4 km. The width varies from 5.00 to 9.00 m, the banks have variable slope, with a height of 4-5 m.

It belongs to the macro drainage basin called as “Bonifica Meccanica”, as the waters drain within the Crostolo torrent only with a water system in Torrione di Gualtieri.

Its basin is about 2,000 hectares, to which more 2,500 can be added in case of hydraulic maneuvers.


Map of the intervention area (jpg687.05 KB)

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last modified 2019-05-10T11:03:12+02:00
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