Collettore Acque Basse Modenesi (CABM)

CABM winter 2015

The drainage network of so-called "low waters" within the territory of the former Parmigiana-Moglia-Secchia Reclamation Consortium drains the territory between the Crostolo River to the West, the Cavo Parmigiana Moglia canal to the North, the Secchia River  to the East and the Basin of the “high water” in the south, a territory subjected to frequent floods before the land reclamation work, since the waters could only flow with low levels in the Secchia River.

The waters are collected and removed through the Collettore Acque Basse Reggiane canal (C.A.B.R.) and the Collettore Acque Basse Modenesi canal and its affluents; they give rise to the Canale Emissario canal, on the border with the province of Mantua, which conveys the waters in the Secchia river in S. Siro (S. Benedetto Po) both by gravity and through a water system.

The C.A.B.M. arises at the Brunoria Plant in Rio Saliceto (RE), runs a 18.5 km track and drains a basin of approximately 18,800 hectares wide, thus representing the third most important channel of the Consortium.

It has a trapezoidal section with internal sub-banks, and the dimensions are: bottom width from 7.00 to 9.00 m and height from 4 to 7 meters.


Map of the intervention area - northern Sector (jpg592.78 KB)

Map of the intervention area - Southern Sector (jpg791.5 KB)

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last modified May 10, 2019 9:05 AM
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