Final conference of the LIFE RINASCE Project

Friday 11 September 2020 at the "20 maggio 2012" Hall in Bologna and live on the web starting at 9:00

Close to its end, the "LIFE RINASCE" Project is organizing its closing conference in which the final results will be presented to the public.

Due to the restrictions related to the "Covid-19" health emergency, the event will be held in Bologna, at the "20 May 2012" Hall of the Third Tower in Viale della Fiera 8, with a reduced capacity, and live on the web to ensure that all interested parties can follow the work.

The meeting will be divided into two thematic sessions.

After the greetings of the Authorities, the first part of the reports will be dedicated to the restoration works carried out and the results of the monitoring carried out, which made it possible to fully assess their effectiveness over time.

The second part, on the other hand, will be dedicated to the future prospects of the integrated restoration of the canals and to the debate among the participants.

For further information and to register, you can send an email by 9 September to the address: 

The live web will be visible in the "Live Video" section of the Lepida portal.

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