The LIFE RINASCE project at the CISBA seminar

The LIFE RINASCE project was presented at the celebratory scientific event of the Italian Center for Environmental Biology Studies (CISBA)

From the 29th of November to the 1st of December 2016, the scientific seminar of the thirty years of CISBA's foundation, entitled "Present and future of biology in aquatic environments", took place at the historical site of the Warehouses of Cervia (RA).

The three-day work program was particularly intense, ranging from the classic themes of environmental monitoring and ecotoxicology to emerging issues such as those of biological invasions, exploring both freshwater and marine waters as well as transitional waters.

Relationships of national experts and lecturers, expert reports in the field of application, and round-table discussions of each topic discussed.

The Day of December 1 was dedicated to the thematic session "The River in the Spotlight: Indicators, River Retraining and Landscape", in which the LIFE RINASCE project


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last modified December 20, 2018 2:24 PM
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