The European Project LIFE RINASCE at EXPO Milan 2015

At the invitation of the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of the Territory and the Sea (MATTM), the LIFE RINASCE project was presented at the Corner Life at the Ministry Pavilion in the biodiversity Park, EXPO Milan 2015

Since October 6, 2015, the Ministry of the Environment and the Protection of Land and Sea has created a "LIFE Corner" in Milan at EXPO 2015, within the Biodiversity Park, to promote knowledge of LIFE projects on resource issues water resources, coinciding with the implementation of the Thematic Workshop on "Models and Management and Conservation of Water Resources", under the National Governance and System Actions Operational Program for the Regions of the Convergence Objective.

The Thematic Laboratory on "Water management and conservation models and tools" has presented as the main objective the promotion of the exchange of experiences and good practices from European and extra European countries on the subject of smart and sustainable water management, also experiences in exhibition halls of Expo Milano 2015.

The session was held at the Biodiversity Park theme park of EXPO Milano 2015 (Conference Center "Theater of the Earth").

The "LIFE Corner" has been divided into 7 sections, each dedicated to a LIFE project with distribution of dissemination material produced by each project and projection of descriptive slides of planned activities, and will remain at the Biodiversity Park until the " October 11th.

Representative of the LIFE RINASCE project, which was developed and coordinated by the Central Emilia Land Reclamation Consortium, was attended by the General Manager, Turazza, Project Manager of the Project Rinasce dott. Ruffini and the technical co-worker Dr. Gozzi.


To learn more:

 In the photos, some moments of the day

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last modified December 20, 2018 2:24 PM
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