Interactive maps of the RINASCE project - LIFE 13 ENV / IT / 000169

Thumbnail Moka GIS

The "Moka LIFE RINASCE Project " is a web GIS application that allows online consultation of the cartography produced during the design of the hydraulic and environmental restoration works of the Collettore Alfiere, Collettore Acque Alte Modenesi, Diversivo Fossa Nuova Cavata, and Cavata Orientale canals, superimposed on the regional cartographic and aerophotographic data bases.


Link to the LIFE RINASCE Moka (beta version)


The data produced by the LIFE RINASCE Project have been processed in GIS format (shape) using ESRI ArcMap ® software in version 10.3 and can be consulted on the Moka web GIS platform (based on HTML5 technology).

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last modified September 9, 2022 1:18 PM
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