The web documentary, coordinated by lead partner Emilia Romagna Region, was produced in collaboration with all Shaping Fair Ciites partners and features the process of localization of the 2030 Agenda in the project partner cities, experimenting how to implement global goals at local level.
The Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, or DEAR, supports action for social change across the European Union. Action on the big issues our day, like climate change and migration. Many projects use a global learning or education approach. Find out more.....
The Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme, or DEAR, funds projects working for positive social change across Europe, many of them achieve this change through campaign or advocacy work.
A symbolical celebration of the 5th Anniversary of the 2030 Agenda, by all Shaping Fair Cities international partners and sub-granted projects from 9 countries (Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Denmark, Sweden, Albania and Mozambique).
The Summer School is addressed to university students who aspire becoming local decision makers and/or development actors. It has been carried out in a participatory method by both university professors and trainers, in collaboration with university institutions and CSOs to favour their future involvement and promote the inclusion of the topic as a module in existing masters and post graduate trainings.
What is the Development Education and Awareness Raising Programme and what does it seek to achieve? Find out with this 60 second video.
Produced by GVC - WeWolrd Onlus for Emilia-Romagna Region, lead partner of the Shaping Fair Cities Project. #inourhands #inourcities #greencities
Increasing knowledge about the climate change as driver of migration means to better understand the migration phenomena, and combat climate change to reduce migration as the last resort and unsafe migration. Produced by GVC - WeWolrd Onlus for Emilia-Romagna Region, lead partner of the Shaping Fair Cities Project. Improve #education, awareness-raising and capacities on climate change to take action against #global warming ! #combatclimatechange #inourhands #shapingfaircities #nellenostremani #nellenostrecitta #inourcities #sdg13 #agenda2030
Produced by GVC - WeWolrd Onlus for Emilia-Romagna Region, lead partner of the Shaping Fair Cities Project.
Produced by GVC - WeWolrd Onlus for the Emilia-Romagna Region. Published on the 25th November 2019 for the International Day for the elimination of violence against women.
A web documentary about the localization of the 2030 Agenda in our cities. An interactive story telling to show experiences and best practices developed in each of the 10 project partner countries: Italy, Poland, Croatia, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Romania, Mozambique, Albania and Greece.
Produced by GVC - WeWolrd Onlus for Emilia-Romagna Region, lead partner of the Shaping Fair Cities Project. #inourhands #shapingfaircities #nellenostremani #nellenostrecitta #inourcities #sdg5 #agenda2030 #uguaglianzadigenere #genderequality
The conference held in Bologna on January 25th, 2019 illustrated Emilia-Romagna Region's integration and cooperation strategies and good practices, promoted on the regional territory. Interviews with Elisabetta Gualmini, Caterina Brancaleoni, Asher Colombo, Marco Valbruzzi, Andrea Cortesi, Stefano Bianchini. Event organized as part of the European project Shaping fair cities (English subtitles).
Interview with Professor Marco Valbruzzi of the University of Bologna, held as part of the "Co-development: migration and international cooperation" conference, on the 25th January 2019. Event organized as part of the project Shaping Fair Cities.
Interview with Professor Asher Colombo of the University of Bologna, held as part of the "Co-development: migration and international cooperation" conference, on the 25th January 2019. Event organized as part of the project Shaping Fair Cities.
Interview with Professor Stefano Bianchini of the University of Bologna, held as part of the "Co-development: migration and international cooperation" conference, on the 25th January 2019. Event organized as part of the project Shaping Fair Cities.