Shaping fair cities


A short description of the Shaping fair cities project: integrating Agenda 2030 within local policies in times of great migration and refugee flows. A campaign and advocacy project led and implemented by LAs.


The Shaping fair cities project is funded by the European Commission under the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) program and it reflects the statement of local and regional government representatives gathered in New York in 2015 to celebrate the adoption of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)It recognizes, emphasizes and enhances the role that cities and sub-national governments need to play in achieving those goals, in particular Goal 11 (making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) and Goal 16 (promoting peaceful and inclusive societies).

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logo_noflag.pngGrazie ad una partnership paneuropea e multi-stakeholder, l'azione aumenterà la consapevolezza e coinvolgerà attivamente i decisori locali, i funzionari pubblici, le organizzazioni e i cittadini nella localizzazione degli SDG,

Thanks to a pan-European multi-stakeholder partnership, the project will raise awareness and actively involve local decision makers, civil servants, grassroots organizations and citizens in localizing the SDGs in 8 European countries and 2 EU partner countries. In doing so, the action will promote the crucial role of local governments in the implementation of a new set of goals, paving the road to specific local 2030 Agenda plans.

Immagine1.pngIt will mobilize LAs in implementing a new sets of goals addressing migration challenges and related local policies with a strong gender approach (SDG5), promoting peaceful and inclusive societies (SDG16), making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable (SDG11) and acting to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG13). With the SDGs, migration has for the first time been inserted into mainstream development policy.

Thanks to Shaping fair cities action, by 2020, 14 Local Authorities – 4 Regional Governments, 8 EU Municipalities and 2 EU partners Municipalities - for a total urban population of 3.697.600 people, have adopted an action plan for implementing, communicating and monitoring SDGs at local level particularly in relation with SDGs 5, 11, 13 and 16 with a special focus on migration and gender.


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last modified March 17, 2020 1:54 PM
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