Shaping fair cities

FAIR CITIES DAYS, a 3 days European Event

Shaping Fair Cities final Event, on the 9, 10, 11 June 2021 in Bologna and online, in collaboration with all partners and sub-granted projects

Shaping Fair Cities presents

the Fair Cities Days 

a three-day event on the 9-10-11 June

Bologna, Palazzo De' Toschi (Piazza Minghetti 4/d) and online
With conferences, presentations, events, live performances, debates, special focuses on the SDGs
together with all project partners, local authorities, CSOs and all subgranted projects.

The event will take place in blended mode, given the current pandemic situation, with the presence of a contingent audience in Bologna (see below registration links to participate to the days) and in live streaming on Youtube and on Facebook.

The 3 days include several events, conferences, debates and live performances related to the themes of the 2030 Agenda and the dissemination of the best project results, local campaigns and experiences, with the involvement of representatives of local authorities, stakeholders, experts, project partners and actors related to sustainability issues.

Special Focuses will be dedicated to the SDGs at the centre of our project (in particular GENDER EQUALITY and CLIMATE CHANGE) with the participation and contributions of all project partners and sub-granted projects - which, in the case of Emilia-Romagna Region, involve 23 Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities.

A special place in the program will be dedicated to the role of public administrations and authorities in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the role of civil society in the localization process and the drafting of specific 2030 Agenda plans in Shaping Fair Cities partners territories.


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Wednesday 9 June 2021

09.30  Welcoming and institutional greetings by Emilia-Romagna Region

Elly Schlein - Vice President and Councilor for the fight against inequalities and ecological transition of the Emilia-Romagna Region

10.00 "Climate change in Emilia-Romagna"
Dr. Carlo Cacciamani

Structure Manager IdroMeteoClima (Simc)
Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy (Arpae)
Emilia-Romagna Region

10.30 – 13.00  Projects and Campaigns Presentation: 23 Subgranted Projects and Partner Municipalities in Emilia-Romagna Region

Debate moderator: Mirella Orlandi - Shaping Fair Cities Project Manager


presentations by Unione dei Comuni Rubicone e Mare, Comune di Ravenna, Comune di Cavriago 


presentations by Comune di Russi, Comune di Castelfranco Emilia, Comune di Ravenna


presentations by Unione Comuni Savena Idice, Unione Romagna Faentina, Comune di Spilamberto, Comune di Misano Adriatico, Comune di Cesenatico, Comune di Maranello

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (9 June, 10-13)

13:00 -14:00 Lunch Break

14.00 – 18.00 Italian Partners’ outputs on the show:

Live performances

16.00  “Noi siamo il suolo, noi siamo la terra” by Roberto Mercadini (Comune di Cesenatico)
16.30 “Come quando fuori pioveva” by Panda Project (Comune di Ravenna)

Video screenings

14.00 - 18.00 Video screenings by Emilia-Romagna Region, WeWorld-GVC, Comune di Bologna, Comune di Ravenna, Unione Reno Galliera, Comune di Valsamoggia, Comune di Ferrara, Comune di Calendasco e Sarmato, Unione dei Comuni Savena Idice, Unione delle Terre D'Argine, Comune di Argenta,  Comune di Russi, Unione dei Comuni della Bassa Romagna, Unione dei Comuni Modenesi Area Nord, Comune di Novellara, Comune di Maranello, Comune di Misano Adriatico, Unione della Romagna Faentina, Comune di Cavriago, Comune di Castelnovo ne' Monti, Comune di Castelfranco Emilia, Unione Rubicone e Mare, Comune di Cesenatico, Comune di Spilamberto, Comune di Formigine

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (9 June, 14-18)

Thursday 10 June 2021

10.00 - 10.15 Welcoming and institutional greetings by Emilia-Romagna Region

10.15 – 13.00 Shaping Fair Cities International Partners

International campaigns and results

Municipalities Projects Presentations

Emilia-Romagna Region – Mirella Orlandi
Municipality of Forlì –  Serena Nesti
Municipality of Modena – Daniele Vacirca
Municipality of Reggio Emilia
Municipality of Shkodra – Mirza Berdica
Municipality of Vejle – Anette Grunnet
Municipality of Split - Radojka Tomašević
ROPS – Anna Olchowska e Monika Zembrzycka
BRCT – Victor Poede
Municipality of Alicante - Pilar Sol
WeWorld - GVC - Margherita Romanelli

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (10 June, 10-13)

13:00 -14:00 Lunch Break

14.00 – 18.00 International Partners’ Outputs on the show:

Video screenings by project partners

Video screenings by Emilia-Romagna Region, Forlì, Modena, Reggio Emilia, WeWorld-GVC  (Italia), Municipality of Vejle (Denmark), ROPS (Poland), BRCT (Romania), Municipality of Forlì (Italy), Municipality of Modena  (Italy), Municipality of Reggio Emilia (Italy), Falköpings kommun (Sweden), Alicante (Spain), Grad Spit (Croatia)

Special Events


14.00 "FUOCHI Ribelli, coraggiose libere" con Monica Morini, musiche dal vivo Gaetano Nenna, regia Bernardino Bonzani (Comune di Reggio Emilia)

14.30 Proiezione del documentario "Stranieri?" del Teatro delle Ariette (Comune di Castelfranco Emilia)
16.40  "Tour in rima del museo virtuale" della Compagnia Pietribiasi/Tedeschi

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (10 June, 14-18)



Friday 11 June 2021

09.15 – 09.30 Welcoming and institutional greetings by Emilia-Romagna Region

09.30 - 13.30 The 2030 Agenda: in our cities and in our hands

Focus on SDG 5

Women Association - intervention by Bianca PomeranziExpert of the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw)

Focus on SDG 13

 Emilia-Romagna Region - intervention by Patrizia Bianconi - Senior expert in the development and coordination of projects at regional, national and international level on the themes of sustainable development (RER Environmental Impact and Sustainability Contact Person)

Focus on Migration 

UNIBO - University of Bologna

In our hands panel

The role of public administrations and local authorities in localization Agenda 2030 and the importance of education and awareness raising – by Paola Berbeglia, President Concord Italia/Delegate ECG for AOI
 The role of civil society in localization of the 2030 Agenda - by WeWorld - GVC

 In our cities panel 

The 2030 Agenda plans in SFC partners territories, best practices and experiences (RER, BRCT, ROPS, Modena, Reggio, Forlì, Split, etc.) - debate moderator: Paola Berbeglia
Municipality of Modena  (Italy)
Municipality of Shkodra (Albania)
Municipality of Vejle (Denmark)
ROPS (Poland)
 BRCT (Romania)
Municipality of Forlì (Italy)
Municipality of Reggio Emilia  (Italy)
Regione Emilia-Romagna  (Italy)
Conclusions by Caterina Brancaleoni - Emilia-Romagna Region

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (11 June, 10-13)

13.30-14.30 Lunch break

14.30 – 18.00 All project partners’ outputs on the show:

Videoscreenings by all partners 

Live performances

15.30 Summit 2030: an original game about the 2030 Agenda, produced by Comune di Modena within Shaping Fair Cities - live demonstration in presence
16.30 "CARTESIO, IL MARE COMINCIA DA QUI" by Hendry Proni in collaboration with Teatrale Koinè and Ceas La Raganella (Unione dei Comuni Modenesi Area Nord)

Videoscreenings by all partners

CLICK HERE to register to participate in presence (11 June, 14-18)


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last modified June 10, 2021 1:34 PM
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